Definition of Business Administration - TFRJ HD
  • Sunday, February 14, 2016

    Definition of Business Administration

    With the development of transportation and communication and the openness of the world to each other, like, as they say the whole world has become it is only a small village meet its population on the vast land where distances shortened, short distances shortened a lot of time in the business, then that she was taking too much time from space work with has become a very fast technique today. Therefore it was necessary to the academic side to develop itself to keep pace with this great speed to evolve so he established a business management system, where the system works on the rehabilitation staff to get to know qualifies him to deal freely and is pleased with the new technology as well as the ability to communicate with humans and wise leadership of the work and projects and to avoid the dangers and increasing human capacity in production through the mind and work hard to solve them. It is worth mentioning that the Business Administration gradually evolved over time in conjunction with the development of humanity and its dealings with natural materials around them and the universe, this indicates it shows the relationship strong between the human mind and its evolution with the development of the business, production and acceleration, so if we want business administration definition which is very loose term Introduction of the mentioned was written by many Almamufan in their books and they knew where the definitions differed from each other but they all aspire to the same goal and is in the same option which poured all their definitions. We can say that Business Administration "is the scientific and administrative interface to manage the work of the component material and human resources aimed at reaching a production ensures the sustainability of profit and non-bankruptcy establishment", and this definition Atertab him several properties, most notably: the logical and realistic in the study pre- and post-business, the ability a good prediction of future results, work on improving the performance of workers and develop their skills to increase production in the project. Increase profit in order to preserve the status of the work and keep it sustainable and well-defined. A striking cases of Attention to allocate money management business and first appeared back in London, Britain in the early twentieth century at Oxford and was a new discipline, many did not want to go to it; and because the commercial and industrial revolution was in the very beginning it was not one of them needs to college to learn how deals with goods that are accustomed for years to deal with, or dealing with some of the workers who produce him some cloth to sell last week. But with the advent of machines that produce this fabric or products made more precise and the quality of traditional products had to be to have experience in dealing with telecom new machines, which will provide resources and energies to work on the development of its assets and profits more quickly and ensure that no loss, which means that the gap between profit and loss has become a very big demand for telecom and adding colleges that take care of the management of business and finance throughout the world and not just in Britain.

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